Monday, February 9, 2009

Blu-ray Review: My Name is Bruce

Just as the title denotes, the Blu-ray itself is all about Bruce, featuring a gorgeous, high quality movie comic book (which in itself pays homage to the film's source material which was derived from the writers by the '40s comic books The Adventures of Alan Ladd which found the actor being kidnapped from sets to help others) that rivals the stunning high definition transfer of the film. Likewise, as it boasts on the box, the Blu is "loaded with groovy extras"-- including feature length commentary, four behind the scenes featurettes, and additional poster, props, and photo art.

One of the more entertaining extras is Heart of Dorkness-- The Making of My Name is Bruce which takes a satirical Coppola styled Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness approach in its hour long featurette (another joke used in Tropic Thunder's extras) as some friends of Campbell's put together an in-depth video diary of the making of the film, cutting it with fun subtitles and jokes throughout as they ridicule Campbell's long-winded soliloquies about his movie.

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