Tuesday, October 2, 2018

You Better Run- The Evil Dead and Camera Techniques

From pewpewreviews.wordpress.com:

It’s pretty easy to understand how a camera works as an instrument within the process of filmmaking. It positions itself within a scene, and records an actor’s performance. Sure, sometimes it may pan, tilt and angle itself in weird ways I don’t always understand, (Dutch Angles, I’m looking at you) but for the most part, it provides us with a main viewing point when delving into the world of a film.

But what about when it’s a character. The camera has used on occasion to mimic a characters point of view, particularly within horror films. As the camera pans left and right as our protagonist is in full panic mode, this can engage the audience to an uncomfortable degree, as we are now suddenly placed in the shoes of an individual experiencing intense fear. But as director Sam Raimi shows us in his horror masterpiece The Evil Dead, the camera had a few tricks left up its sleeve. And so became the first time I truly understood the importance of the camera in film, and the impact creative camera wok can have on a film.

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