Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Celebrate the life and times of Bruce Campbell with Psychotronic Film Society

Campbell, masked, in Running Time.

SAY happy birthday to the King of Cult.

Bruce Campbell, best known for his role as horror hero Ash Williams in the Evil Dead franchise, turns 58 on June 22, and Psychotronic Film Society of Savannah is throwing a party in his honor.

PFS has a long history of blowing out the candles for sci-fi saints and B-movie bosses, and founder Jim Reed feels Campbell is a truly worthy candidate for a Society salute.

“I have loved Bruce Campbell’s unique blend of deadpan humor and faux-macho shtick since the early 1980s when I first became aware of him in the original Evil Dead,” Reed explains. “He’s a much better and more nuanced actor than many people give him credit for, which is probably because so many of his roles tend to be in genre films or TV shows that primarily deal with horror, sci-fi, fantasy or action—or all four, if we’re lucky. A lot of folks tend to marginalize such genres and not appreciate the serious craft that goes into maintaining the kind of compelling, charismatic and imminently watchable persona that Bruce seems to possess in real life, and which he reliably brings to his acting jobs.”

To honor the icon, PFS will host a prize giveaway with Campbell-related swag and screen rare 1997 crime thriller Running Time, directed by Josh Becker (Xena: Warrior Princess, Alien Apocalypse, more). Campbell leads as Carl, a prison inmate who’s received an early release. Ten years in the pen won’t stop Carl from returning to his old ways, though: he spent his sentence plotting the ultimate heist and is ready to set the plan in motion.

Click Here For More - Source: www.connectsavannah.com

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