Thursday, October 15, 2015

'Ash vs. Evil Dead': Bruce Campbell Talks Bloody Return

Actor reattaches his chainsaw arm as the horror-film franchise moves to the small screen

Bruce Campbell can still feel the oppressive cling of fake blood pulling at his skin after shooting the particularly gory scenes in his first movie, 1981's The Evil Dead. "I'd walk into a hot shower with my clothes on after a shoot because they were stuck to my body," he says. "The blood would pull all my hair off." The film was so over-the-top in its gruesome depiction of twentysomethings becoming possessed by evil spirits – after fiddling with an ancient Sumerian text (bound in human flesh, of course) that they'd found in the basement of a creepy cabin – that first-time filmmaker Sam Raimi didn't flinch when dubbing the low-budget flick "the ultimate experience in grueling horror." Ultimately, it became a cult hit; Stephen King called it "ferociously original" and Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson later said he found it inspiring.

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