Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Evil Dead Has Bruce Campbell But Different Characters And Story

Brendon Connelly writes:

Director Federico Alvarez has revealed a few small bits about his upcoming Evil Dead remake, though I think you could have guessed most of it for yourself.

Here are some quotes from El Pais as filtered through Google Translate. First, Alvarez speaks:

As fans of the original we know what we are going to offend those who are also fans and what we will not bother you, but we can not make a movie just for them… we have a pretty decent English but not to give realism to the dialogue, in our case [having Diablo Cody do a rewrite] was essential to that.

And now, from the text of their story:

The only recognizable face is part of Bruce Campbell, but will be in a cameo towards the end of the film. Another thing that will change the characters and some story details, while keeping the basic outline of friends who are beleaguered by demons in a cabin alone.

A Campbell cameo towards the end? Chief Deadite? Hitchhiker shot through the door? Police officer come to look at the mess and wear shades while talking about the stupid dead kids before an arm shoots up out of the ground and grabs him around the throat?

I’m thinking he’s going to be a deadite, at least. Or perhaps a better word would be “hoping.”

I was also trying to suggest they’re going to flip it and have the protagonist be a girl, even though that would bring the film rather more in line with typical horror movie convention…


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