Tuesday, January 11, 2011

From B List to B+

Jen Sisco writes:
In November of 2010, the USA network announced that they were going to make a prequel movie to accompany their hit series Burn Notice in the spring of 2011. I am a fan of the show, well mostly I’m a fan of any show that has to do with spies, explosions or yogurt, but the thing that really sparked my interest about this movie was that it would focus on the character Sam Axe, who is portrayed by Bruce Campbell.

I was overcome by a sense of pride. It felt like all of the years I have been rooting for the underdog of actors and now the mainstream finally seems to have taken a liking to him, too. He has been a member of the cast since the show’s inception and the character he plays exudes all of the characteristics that make any of Campbell’s characters memorable. He is charismatic and charming but always with that evil twinkle in the eye that begs the question, “What’s he really up to?” Campbell’s characters radiate a smarminess that is rather unique to his work. This makes him a great character actor and it is always nice to see someone do well – that is if you like the person. Bruce Campbell captured my heart with the Evil Dead films and I have been rooting for him (well, for his career) ever since. Thinking about this prompted me to compile a list of reasons why Bruce Campbell is awesome.

Click Here To Read More! - Source: www.unwinnable.com

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