Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Army of Darkness Cross Stitch Bookmark

Click to enlarge image:

So, I know I'm not the only one here who will pick up a bag of craft stuff at the thrift store or at a yard sale without even caring what exactly is in it. If I see a few skeins of floss or some acrylic paint or whatever in there, I don't care what else is in it ... it's only a dollar! I'm grabbing it! Well, that's how I got this bookmark strip of Aida. It was really, really long and somebody had done a few clusters of cherries, so I cut those off and finished the edges and had myself a new cherry bookmark... and a blank strip just waiting for me to stitch on. Anyhow, I thought that an Army of Darkness bookmark was needed, one with what Ash was supposed to say upon picking up the Necronomicon. You know, so I don't ever forget them should I be in a similar situation.

Source: - g0rehouse

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