Monday, October 27, 2008

More 'My Name Is Bruce' Reviews

But even though the film's somewhat forgettable it's still a lot of fun, and deserves to be seen in a theater with a group of like-minded geeks. This is a movie that will not play nearly as well at home, so if the movie's touring near you these next few weeks (there's a full list of theaters here) don't let it pass you by.

7.5 out of 10


The true appeal of MY NAME IS BRUCE lies in the way it conflates its star’s real-life career and fictional persona, and will be most enjoyed by those who can differentiate the bona fide tacky Campbell credits it namechecks (i.e. MOONTRAP, ASSAULT ON DOME 4) from those it makes up. The most significant of the latter is CAVE ALIEN, which on evidence of the scenes we see is truly terrible, but has managed to not only spawn sequels but land on the cover of FANGORIA. Throughout, there are in-jokes in both the dialogue and casting (Ellen Sandweiss, Campbell’s girlfriend Cheryl in the original EVIL DEAD, turns up here as Bruce’s ex-wife Cheryl), and MY NAME IS BRUCE can be seen as the ultimate love letter—with a pen dipped in poison—from Campbell to his die-hard followers.


The absolute best part of the film is Bruce "the chin" Campbell though. The man is unquestionably hilarious in this film and you can tell he's having the time of his life playing a parody of himself (at least I hope the real Mr. Campbell isn't drinking Wild Turkey out of a dog bowl on a regular basis). He's pompous like Ash, despises his fans, is kinda dense, makes fun of his own body of work, but still manages to be a charmer all at the same time.


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