Wednesday, October 8, 2008

IGN in the Ghost House

IGN talks horror with Sam Raimi's partner in crime, Rob Tapert.

IGN: Filmmaking today is much more clean and polished than it was when Evil Dead first came out. And we're now much more of a "meta" generation, consistently referencing back upon ourselves. Do you have a sense that we're losing the simplicity of what made horror legitimately scary ten or twenty years ago?

TAPERT: Over lunch, we were talking about Cloverfield. It was so simple, despite being a $25 million movie. But in another era, that was the simplicity of horror. Studios have never made the trendsetters. It's that gritty thing that somebody has to go make in order to get discovered. And it's not something that comes out of the development process. It's hard to develop a great horror project because it's somebody's single, crazy vision. That's what excites us. We're on a journey to seek out those people who are doing something kind of new.

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