Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sam Raimi Walks Away from His Own Shadow

Rupert Pupkin writes:

Apparently, the defunct Spider-Man 4 isn't the only superhero film Raimi has walked away from recently.

Remember The Shadow? If you do, you're either an old fart who listened to radio as a kid because TV wasn't invented yet, or you really love Alec Baldwin.

the shadow knows

Well, Sam Raimi remembered The Shadow... but then he forgot it again. Raimi apparently purchased the rights to the classic 1940's radio show and pulp novels several years ago with the intention of rebooting the franchise on the big screen, but somewhere along the way, he just sorta forgot about it.

The project was set up at Sony, where nothing got done. The frustrated studio recently sold the property to Fox for $1 million.

And that's not all. It looks like Raimi has passed the directing chair to none other than Eclipse director David Slade. Raimi is still attached to produce, though, so it's not a total cop-out.


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